Booking platforms, destination program, cash register systems, reporting systems and so on… The daily routine of a host includes many tasks that are not only time-consuming but also error-prone. For example, the administration of your own hotel software and all the programs and platforms mentioned above. But don’t worry – JULIA will help you.
As a virtual receptionist JULIA cooperates with different systems. Completely independently and automatically around the clock. How does this work? Via so called “interfaces” or “connections” which allow the exchange with other programs. Often these programming interfaces are also abbreviated as “API“, which stands for Application Programming Interface. By the way, you can find more information about how interfaces work and which important terms are still to be known in this context in our free e-book “Begriffe im eTourismus”.
Which interfaces does JULIA have?
When choosing a hotel software the connection possibilities to existing cash register systems, regional registration systems or relevant booking portals are crucial.
- With which hotel programs is JULIA compatible?
- Are POS systems connected to JULIA?
- Can reporting and destination management systems be used via JULIA?
- Which booking portals and platforms are connected to JULIA via the Channel Manager?
We have prepared the answer in an appealing way as a clearly arranged info graphic here in our blog or as a detailed JULIA interface info sheet for download.
Info graphic about JULIA’s software interfaces
Here you can find an extract of the most important systems JULIA works with. Furthermore you can see the direct and indirect interfaces of the JULIA Channel Manager in the diagram.

Questions about the easybooking interfaces?
Do you have questions about the existing or planned JULIA connections? Or are you looking for a new hotel program and would like to receive further advice on JULIA and the Channel Manager?
Then don’t hesitate to contact aus – we are looking forward to getting to know you! A short message to is enough and together we will find an answer to all of your JULIA-questions! 🙂
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